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Page 8

  I wanted to say more… that it was only Kale, not more than one person, and that we were in the motel outside of town… but, Kale was watching me, his gun trained on me the entire time, and I knew he’d make good on his threat if I didn’t hang up.

  So I did.

  “Good girl,” Kale said, then held out his hand for the phone.

  I threw it at him, then spun around to flop back in the chair.

  I put my head in my hands and thought about Mal’s voice. He’d sounded so worried. And, I swear, I could hear Kai in the background, asking if I was okay. I thought there was another voice, but I couldn’t be sure, it had all happened so fast.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me tonight,” Kale said, his voice grating. “What do you say, want to get it on for old time’s sake?”

  “Ewwww, no,” I said, lifting my head to look at him in horror. “If you even think of touching me, I punch you in the dick.”

  “Fine, have it your way. I don’t want to see those saggy tits again anyway. You can sleep in that fucking chair, for all I care, but don’t get any ideas about sneaking out in the night. I’ve got my buddy watching the door, just in case.”

  I sat back in the chair, glancing out the window.

  “It’s barely dark. What are we going to do all night? What about food? I’m hungry,” I said, even though I doubted I could eat a bite.

  “My buddy’s ordering pizza, and I don’t give a fuck what you do. Watch TV, or read the good book, I don’t care. Just shut up for a few minutes…shit.”

  We sat there in silence while he played on his phone. The knocking on the door had me sitting up straight, but Kale pointed the gun on me and shook his head, so I stayed seated. He opened the door, took a pizza box from his elusive buddy, then shut it again and set the box on the table.

  My stomach growled, and I realized I hadn’t eaten since breakfast, so I got up and opened the box.


  I grabbed a slice and picked up the remote control, then went back to my seat and turned on the TV.

  I settled on a cop show.

  Kale scarfed down half the pizza, scoffing at the TV anytime the cops made an arrest, seemingly quite comfortable in his role as abductor and thief.

  How could I ever have been stupid enough to fall for his bullshit? I wondered. He was obviously dirty and even looked like a con artist… at least, now that I knew he was one, it seemed obvious.

  The fact that I’d slept with him and thought myself in love with the asshole, had my skin crawling. I stood and threw the remote at him, then said, “I’m going to take a shower.”

  “Yeah?” he asked, his gaze leaving the screen to look at me. “You going to finger yourself in the shower? Thinking of that big dumb bastard out there frantic with worry over you?”

  “You have serious issues,” I retorted, grossed out by the fact that Kale would most likely be imagining me doing just that in the shower. Whether I actually was or not. “And you know nothing about me, or the man you saw today. Cause, if you did, you would have realized what a big mistake you were making.”

  “What does that mean? Just cause he has money, doesn’t mean he’s better than me. I’m the one who got the drop on him, ain’t I?”

  I just shook my head and gave him a condescending smile.

  Because, seriously, if Kale knew he was dealing with bear shifters, there’s no way in hell he’d be trying to blackmail them.

  I was almost excited to see what would happen when he found out.


  “Tori, thank God, are you okay?”

  My head swung up as I looked at Mal’s face.

  “That’s Tori?” I asked. “Where is she?”

  Mal held up his finger, but didn’t meet my eyes, as he listened to whatever she was saying.

  Then he hung up.


  Mal’s face was pissed when he looked at me.

  “He wants money. Says to bring it to the barn on Old Mill Road tomorrow.”

  “How much?” Bane asked.

  “Who fuckin’ cares?” I retorted. “That asshole’s not getting shit. You said you’ve got their scent? Let’s go get her back. No way she’s staying with him all night.”

  I couldn’t wait any longer. I shifted.

  Right there in the middle of Main Street.

  Sure there were rules, laws in place about shifting in busy areas like downtown, but this was the very definition of an emergency, and I couldn’t care less about the laws. Or the fact that I’d just shredded my clothes and left them in a heap on the sidewalk.

  I took off down a side street, knowing I needed to at least get off the main street.

  Mal and Bane followed me, catching up when I waited for the in the alley.

  “Shit, Kai, you couldn’t wait for us to drive out of town?” Bane asked.

  Obviously, I couldn’t reply, so I shuffled my paws impatiently, letting him know we didn’t have time for conversation.

  Bane shook his head, but said, “Follow me,” then took off his clothes and left them by the dumpster, while Mal did the same. Then they both shifted.

  My bear naturally wanted to take the lead, certainly not wanting to follow a wolf, which he felt was beneath him in the food chain, but I still had control, so I waited until Bane’s wolf took off and followed behind.

  We ran through to the outskirts of town, then Bane made a sharp turn and headed toward the old motel on Linley Road.

  The place was a shithole, and I hated to think of Tori being held there by the asshole who’d taken everything from her. It was all I could do to contain my roar of displeasure as we neared the motel. I didn’t want him to have a warning that we were coming.

  We went around the back of the hotel, and when Bane paused and rounded a car parked there, and let out a low growl, I knew we were at the right place.

  I shifted back.

  “You guys stay in form, I’ll go around and see if there’s anyone on the lookout, then get Tori. You scare the shit out of Cabbage.”

  I ran around the side of the motel, not giving one fuck that as was naked as the day I was born, then peered around the corner and scoped out the parking lot.

  It was pretty bare. This motel didn’t get a lot of business, other than hookers and drug dealers, which was pretty lucky right now. The last thing I needed was a family with small kids getting in the way.

  I noticed the car in the back. It wasn’t running, but there was smoke coming out the window, which meant someone was inside smoking.

  I ran quickly across the lot, sticking to the shadow and tree line whenever I could.

  Once I got to the car, I rushed to the door, opened it, and pulled the driver out. Before he could even squeak, I knocked him out.

  I stubbed out his cigarette with my heel, the last thing we needed was a fire, and started toward the rooms.

  I could feel Tori’s presence the closer I got to the building and walked the sidewalk until I got to the door where I felt her the strongest. I turned my head to see Mal and Bane’s animals waiting in the shadows, then lifted my leg and kicked the door in.

  “What the fuck?”

  The asshole I assumed was Kale jumped up off of the bed and took in my naked form with shock, then turned back to reach for his gun.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I warned.

  Kale smirked, then looked like he was about to say something, when a low growl came from behind me. His gaze shifted and his face filled with horror.

  “What the fuck?” he repeated, but this time it was a terrified whisper.

  I looked around the room, frowning when I didn’t see Victoria, then the bathroom door opened and she was there.


  She looked confused, then her gaze hit me and she rushed toward me.

  “Kai,” Tori cried as she crashed into my arms. “You came.”

  “Of course we came,” I whispered as I stroked my hand down her back, my eyes never leaving Kale. “Do me a favor and wa
it outside, okay?”

  Tori nodded, then walked out the door past Mal and Bane, without looking back.

  I noticed she gave Bane a wary look, but put her hand in Mal’s coat and gave him a pat.

  “What the fuck are you?” Kale asked, looking at the three of us with a mixture of fear and confusion.

  I took a step closer.

  He stepped back and ran into the bed.

  “We’re the beasts that will tear you limb from limb if you ever so much as look at Victoria again. You got me?”

  Kale gave a jerky nod.

  “You stay the fuck away and forget us and this town. And, you might want to think twice before fucking over any more women. This is your opportunity to change.”

  I turned and walked out and Mal roared his displeasure at Kale, which caused him to let out a squeak, then I shut the door and erased that asshole from my mind.


  “Are you sure you’re okay? He didn’t touch you, hurt you in any way?” Kai asked as he held me in his arms.

  We were waiting at the end of the street, past the hotel, while Mal went back to get the Land Cruiser. Bane had gone with him, but I didn’t think he was coming back, although I would need to thank him the next time I saw him.

  When I’d walked out of the bathroom to see Kai standing in the open door, with a wolf and bear behind him, I’d been shocked, relieved, then giddy.

  They’d come for me!

  I can’t tell you how full of love I’d been in that moment.

  In my life, no one ever cared, put me first, or rescued me from any situation. I’d always felt alone, other than Stacia, of course, but now…. Now I had two men who loved and protected me.

  It was the best feeling in the world.

  “I’m fine,” I assured Kai for the hundredth time.

  Did I mention Kai was naked? Gloriously naked. Luckily, it was a warm night.

  “Here’s Mal,” Kai said, letting me go and looking down the road.

  Mal pulled up and we jumped inside. Kai holding the door for me to get in front, and Mal getting in the back.

  Mal leaned over and pulled me into his arms.

  “We were so worried,” he said, his face in my hair.

  “I’m so sorry,” I replied. “Thanks for coming after me.”

  He pulled back and cupped my face in his hands.

  “We’ll always come for you,” Mal assured me sweetly, then dropped a kiss on my lips before releasing me and turning his attention to the road.

  The drive home was quiet and relatively quick.

  “Are you hungry?” Mal asked as we went inside.

  “Not really. I had a slice of pizza, but I don’t really have an appetite right now. I’d actually like to go lay down, if that’s okay.”

  “Of course,” he replied.

  I went upstairs to my room, grabbed some clothes and took a quick shower.

  Yes, I’d had a shower at the hotel, but I still felt like I needed to wash the entire experience away.

  Once I was clean, I put on my pajamas and crawled into bed.

  A few seconds later, I heard a knock at the door.

  “Come in.”

  “Hey,” Mal said, peaking around the corner.

  He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and his hair was wet. He walked in and held up his hand.

  He had my wedding dress.

  “Oh, you bought it?” I asked with a smile. I’d totally forgotten about the dress, but I would’ve been sad when I went to get ready for the ceremony tomorrow and realized I’d left it behind. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Mal said, crossing to hang it in the closet, then he came back to the side of the bed and asked, “Mind if I get in?”

  I scooted over and threw back the covers.

  Mal slid in beside me and gathered me in his arms.

  “I’m so happy you’re okay,” he murmured. “I wanted to tear that guy apart.”

  I hugged him close to me and closed my eyes.

  Another knock sounded on the door and Kai peered in.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Of course,” I responded with a smile.

  “Room for one more?” he asked, and I nodded.

  Kai rounded the bed and got in on the other side of me, then scooted in until he was spooning my backside.

  Good thing this was a California King bed…

  I felt Kai’s lips on the back of my shoulder, then he said, “I was frantic when I went back and couldn’t find you.”

  I turned my head to look at him.

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

  “I’m just happy you’re back and unharmed. There was no way we were letting you spend the night with that bastard.”

  “I can’t believe he tried to blackmail you guys… I’m so sorry,” I said again. I knew I was repeating myself, but I felt awful that Kale had tried to use me to take their money.

  “Hey,” Mal called, and I turned my face back toward him. “Stop apologizing. Please don’t feel guilty about something that was out of your control. This is all on Kale, and only him. Okay?”

  I gave him a small smile. “Okay.”

  Mal’s hand came up and caressed my cheek, then he looked me in the eyes and said, “I love you, Victoria.”

  My heart stopped, then swelled.

  “I love you too.”

  He dipped his head and kissed me softly, sweetly, then pulled back and brushed his thumb across my lower lip.

  I sighed happily, snuggled in with my men, and started to drift off.

  I felt Kai’s hand on my neck, then his breath on my ear.

  “I’m also in love with you.” His deep voice rolled over me, sending a shiver down my spine and my heart felt so full it could burst.

  I shifted until I was facing him, my back against Mal’s front, and looked up into his dark eyes.

  “I’m in love with you, Kai,” I replied softly.

  He closed his eyes, his face full of emotion, then hugged me close.


  The day was like a dream.

  We’d woken up after a night of perfect sleep, all cuddled together, then had breakfast as usual.

  After that, it was a flurry of preparation.

  Mal had done a great job coordinating everything for a last-minute ceremony, and we were having a reception at the cabin later.

  So, not only did we have to clean the cabin and get it all ready for the party, we had to prepare ourselves for the ceremony.

  Once the house was spic and span, and people began arriving to do work, I went upstairs to ready myself.

  I showered, shaved everything, buffed, polished, and soaked until I was smooth and clean as a whistle. I took my time, wanting to prolong this moment, and to make myself as beautiful as I could possibly be for this once in a lifetime event.

  I’d finished drying my hair and was standing in front of the mirror in my robe, wondering if I wanted to curl it or put it up, when there was a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” I called.

  Since I wasn’t in my dress, I figured even if it was Kai or Mal, it would be all right for them to see me.

  But to my surprise, it wasn’t one of my mates at the door… it was Stacia.

  “Oh my God!” I cried as I ran to her and pulled her in for a hug. “What are you doing here?”

  “Mal called me and set it all up,” my best friend replied. “He paid for John and I to come, said he knew you’d want me here.”

  Mal’s seriously the best.

  “I can’t believe it,” I said with a huge smile. “I’m so happy you’re here, seriously, you were the only thing missing from this day.”

  “I can’t believe you’re getting married… to two men. I literally never would have imagined such a thing, not in a million years.”

  “Me neither,” I replied honestly. “But, Stacia, I never knew I could be this happy.”

  “Then, I’m happy for you, babe, you deserve the best.”

anks,” I said, then glanced down to where her baby bump was hitting my stomach. “Awe, you’re starting to show.”

  Stacia stepped back and rubbed her stomach with a small smile.

  “I know, don’t you love it?”

  “I do,” I agreed.

  “So, what do you need me to do?” she asked. “Hair? Makeup?”

  “Yes, please,” I said with a small chuckle, my hand going to the mop on my head. “I could use your magic on this.”

  Stacia laughed and said, “Let’s do it,” and we walked moved back to the counter.

  An hour later, my hair fell in big loose curls down my back, and my makeup was flawless.

  “You really are a miracle worker,” I told Stacia. “Thank you.”

  We crossed the hall quickly and went into my room. I got the dress out of my closet, took off my robe, and put it on over my white lace bra and panty set. I was also wearing thigh high stockings with garters, and I couldn’t wait to see the guys’ faces that night when I took off my dress.

  I was filled with anticipation, and nerves over the dual mating that would happen that night. I’d never been in a threesome before, and wasn’t quite sure how it would all work, but I found I was also very intrigued by the idea of having Kai and Mal at once.

  I slid on the dress and fixed it so my strapless bra was hidden beneath the bodice, then turned to look at Stacia.

  “Holy wow, Tori, you’re absolutely gorgeous,” she breathed, her hand coming to her mouth and her eyes filling.

  “Thank you,” I replied, feeling positively giddy.

  I went back into the closet and came back out with a pair of white sandals.

  “These are all I have,” I told her, looking at the sandals with a frown. “I was going to get shoes yesterday, but Kale kinda threw a wrench in those plans, so…”

  Stacia’s face darkened.

  “Yeah, Kai told us about that. What an unbelievable asshole.”

  She turned abruptly and started to the door.

  “Be right back,” she said, and walked out.

  I put the sandals on the bed and crossed to look at myself in the full length mirror. I let out a deep breath and smiled.