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Of course, he also sounded mad, which I didn’t understand.

  “Uh, yeah. I turned twenty-two last month,” I replied hesitantly.

  He scoffed.

  “What?” I asked, wondering why my age was pissing him off.

  “Nothing,” Mal said easily. “Twenty-two seems a little young to us, since I’m twenty-nine and Kai is thirty-one, but if you say you’re ready down to settle down, I believe you.”

  I shifted toward Kai.

  “But you don’t?” I asked softly.

  Kai turned and pinned me with his dark gaze.

  “We’ll see.”


  The rest of the drive was pretty tense.

  Mal kept trying to start conversation, and keep things light, but Kai’s constant glaring made that a bit impossible.

  I’d started to doze off when the Land Cruiser began to slow, then came to a halt.

  I sat up and opened my eyes, then gasped.

  The cabin was amazing in itself… if you could call it a cabin. I mean, it was obviously made of wood, but this sucker was huge. But, the real beauty was the property. I could see a lake to the side of, and behind, the cabin and trees surrounding it.

  “This is gorgeous,” I breathed, unable to take my eyes off of the glittery water.

  “Thanks, we like it,” Mal said from behind me, then I heard their doors open and close.

  I took a deep breath and put my hand on the handle, but it was opened for me before I could pull it.

  “Thank you,” I told Mal as I eased out of the vehicle, my eyes still on the lake.

  “You like the water?” he asked, closing my door then getting my things out of the back. Kai was already entering the house, not bothering to try and make me feel the least bit welcome.

  “I love it,” I replied with a smile. “I love boats, love to swim, shoot, I just love looking at it.”

  “I’ll have to show you the back deck then,” Mal said kindly. “And the dock.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “But, first, why don’t I show you the house,” he offered.

  I nodded and followed him up the steps and into the cabin.

  Inside, the cabin was big. Open. With tons of windows overlooking the lake. The furniture was sparse, but clean and serviceable, and there was nothing adorning the walls. It definitely looked like a bachelor home, rather than a home with a family living in it.

  “As you can see, it could use a woman’s touch,” Mal said with a laugh as he watched me take in their place.

  “It’s lovely,” I said. “Those windows are amazing.”

  “Yeah, it’s my favorite part of the house,” Mal agreed. “Truthfully, we come in here to sleep, and that’s about it. Both Kai and I are happier when we’re outdoors.”

  “Oh, that makes sense,” I said. I was unsure how to bring the subject up, and I didn’t want to be offensive, but I thought it best to just ask. After all, we were supposed to be getting to know each other. “So, I read that you guys are both bear shifters. Right?”

  Mal didn’t seem offended by my question at all, which put me immediately at ease.

  “That’s right. Have you ever been around shifters before, or any paranormals?” he asked, and I shook my head.

  “No, not really,” I admitted.

  “Okay, well, don’t be afraid to ask questions if you have them. I want you to feel comfortable talking to us… both of us.”

  My gaze flicked around room, but I didn’t see Kai anywhere, so I lowered my voice and said, “I don’t think Kai likes me very much.”

  “Don’t worry about him,” Mal said easily. “He may take a little longer to warm up to you, but he’s really a big softy. His growl is worse than his bite.”

  “Okay,” I replied, unsure of what else to say. I mean, the thought of Kai biting me had tingles running along my spine, which I didn’t think was appropriate, considering I was there to see if I was suitable for Mal.

  There was no denying that Mal was the more easy going, and even, sweeter, of the two, but there was something about Kai’s standoffishness that made my body come alive.

  “Come on, I’ll show you the rest.”

  The living room was open, so you could see into the kitchen and the dining area in the back by the windows. There was one-bedroom downstairs, which was Mal’s, and two upstairs, which included Kai’s and the room that I would be sleeping in. There were also two bathrooms downstairs, and one up.

  It was a simple, yet beautiful house, but Mal was right, the outside far surpassed it.

  “Oh my gosh,” I practically moaned when we stepped out onto the back deck from the dining area.

  The deck was huge, wrapping around the sides of the cabin, with built in benches and a built-in barbecue pit. There were also big pieces of furniture with comfy looking cushions scattered around the surface, all facing the glorious lake.

  “I can’t wait to have coffee out here tomorrow morning,” I said, walking to place my hands on the railing and look out over the water.

  “Why wait? We can have dinner and drinks out here tonight,” Mal said, coming up next to me and leaning against the rail.

  “Oh, can we?” I asked, my excitement obvious.

  Mal chuckled and said, “Of course.” Then he sobered and looked at me thoughtfully.

  I thought he’d ask me questions about why I’d answered the ad, what I was doing here… what had happened. But, he must have decided to wait, because he simply smiled, then suggested I go inside and get settled in my room before dinner.

  I went in, grabbed my backpack and headed up the stairs. I wondered if I should feel nervous, or at least on guard, being here in a cabin on a lake in the middle of nowhere Indiana with a couple of bear shifters, but for some reason, I didn’t.

  I felt almost at ease being here, and I felt a connection with Mal, one I hadn’t planned on, but was pretty happy about.

  I put my bag on the bed, then sat down and pulled out my phone. I sent a text to Stacia, to let her know I made it safe and sound, as well as a pin, so she’d know exactly where in the world I was.

  I was about to get up and put my meager belongings in the dresser, when I noticed Kai standing in the doorway.

  “Uh, hi,” I managed, hoping my tone hadn’t wavered, even though I was pretty sure it had.

  He was so tall. And dark. And, a little foreboding.

  I stood, unsure if he was there to talk, or to tell me to get lost, and he stepped in the room.

  “There’s only one way to find out if this is going to work or not,” Kai said, almost angrily.

  Then he reached out, grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. I’d barely managed a gasp, when his mouth descended.


  There was no pretense, no build-up.

  One second, I was standing there, flabbergasted, and the next… I was drowning.

  I’d never felt anything like it. It was as if my entire being was attuned to this kiss. To the feeling of Kai’s lips on mine.

  My heart was racing, my body was burning, and it felt as if something had clicked inside of me.

  My hands were somehow on his back, underneath his shirt, as I strained on my tippy toes to keep our mouths aligned. His hands were on my ass, holding me in place, and I felt the long hard length of him against my belly.

  We were blazing like an inferno, so much so, that when Kai pulled away, it took me a moment to come back to myself.

  By the time I did, he was gone. And, I was left standing there, body throbbing, with my fingers pressed to my lips.

  “Oh my God,” I murmured, wondering what the hell had just happened.

  Why the hell had Kai just kissed me? What did it mean? Did I tell Mal, or just pretend it didn’t happen? Did I even owe Mal anything at this point?

  My mind was reeling as I put my things in the dresser and shoved my backpack in the closet.

  Yes, I decided. Mal did deserve to know. I’d come here on trial to see if we’d fit as mates. I couldn’t start off our relationship with deception and lies.

  Mind made up, I started out of my room, my eyes locking on Kai’s closed door, before I descended the stairs in search of Mal.

  I found him in the kitchen talking to Kai. When they noticed me, Kai’s face darkened. Without another word, he spun on his heel and headed to the back door, then walked outside. I watched him leave, then turned slowly back to see Mal looking at me. His face open and friendly.

  “You okay?” Mal asked gently.

  I walked into the room, pulled out one of the stools, and sat at the counter.

  “Did he tell you what happened?” I asked. Nervous.

  Mal nodded and asked, “But first, would you like beer, wine, or a mixed drink?”

  “A beer would be great,” I replied, hoping it would help moisten my throat which felt so dry it was threatening to close.

  This was awkward.

  Mal took out two beers, opened them, and set one in front of me.

  “How are you doing?” Mal asked, and he seemed so friendly, and not at all upset that I’d kissed his friend, that I was grateful and confused at the same time.

  “I’m in shock, actually,” I admitted.

  Mal chuckled and said, “Kai can have that effect on people. I swear, he’s not always this intense, although, he’ll never be the happy-go-lucky fun boy type, either.”

  I nodded, definitely unable to see Kai as ever being happy-go-lucky.

  “Did he frighten you?” Mal asked. “Take things too far…?”

  I blinked at Mal.

  “This is weird,” I began.

  “In what way?” he asked, leaning against the counter, completely relaxed, as if we were having a normal conversation.

  “Well,” I said, stringing the word out. “I came here to meet you, to see if we could be a good fit… to mate… for life.” I emphasized the last couple of words, because I couldn’t believe how calm he was. Kale had been a very jealous boyfriend who would have wanted to kill Kai for even looking at me. “How can you be okay with me kissing your best friend?”

  Mal’s mouth dropped open a bit, as if I’d just shocked him, which only confused me more.

  Taking a step away from the counter, Mal ran his free hand through his hair and looked at me, his face troubled.

  “I think there are some things we need to go over… all three of us,” he began, and I nodded in agreement. “Let’s go outside and throw the meat on the grill, grab Kai, and sit on the deck. We need to talk, and then you can decide if you still want to stay here and even do the trial period.”

  “Okay,” I said, getting up from the stool and grabbing my beer.

  We went outside and Mal called Kai over.

  Kai had been standing on the shore, looking out over the water. As he strode toward us, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. The man was captivating.

  Mal started the grill then motioned for us all to sit down.

  Kai didn’t say anything, but he did sit as Mal requested. I sat on the chair opposite the love seat where they were sitting, then played with the label on my beer as I waited to hear what Mal had to say.

  “Kai, Tori is under the impression that she should feel guilty for the kiss the two of you shared, since she is here to get to know me… Obviously, our profile wasn’t informative enough, and neither was I when Tori and I corresponded. For that,” he said, looking to me, “I apologize, Tori. I really hope you don’t think I was keeping things from you, or purposefully withholding information just to get you here. That wasn’t my intention.”

  I looked from Kai to Mal, confused, then I realized what he was saying.

  “Do you mean that I’m not here to see about being your mate, but Kai’s?” I asked. Although that did explain Kai’s questions on the drive over, and the kiss. Still, I could have sworn that Mal was the one looking for a mate.

  I looked up from my musings to see Mal shaking his head.

  “No, that’s not quite it either,” he began. “See, Kai and I have been together since we were cubs. Both alone, we kept each other alive and have formed a bond that will remain until we die. We aren’t looking for a mate for one of us, we are looking for a mate for both of us.”


  What’s that now?

  I looked between the two of them, sure any second Mal would crack a smile and laugh… tell me he was joking.

  But they both looked totally serious.

  I mean, Kai always looked serious, but Mal was watching me intently, waiting for my reaction.

  “Me?” I asked, my voice catching. “Mate both of you?”

  Mal nodded.

  “Sorry that it wasn’t more apparent on our profile, I assumed most people on the shifter app knew that a photo of two people, meant we were looking together. I realize now, since you said you’d never really interacted with shifters before, didn’t already know that.”

  I shook my head.

  “No, I’ve never heard of… I mean, I’ve heard of threesome’s before,” I said, blushing furiously. “But, I’ve never heard of three people mating for life. Is that common?”

  “It’s not the norm, but it isn’t uncommon,” Mal replied. “At least, not like it used to be.”

  “But, you guys wouldn’t get jealous, of me, or whoever you decide to mate, spending time with one of you over the other?”

  It was hard to wrap my head around.

  “No, we don’t get jealous of each other. It isn’t like that. Kai and I know that we can each offer you something unique, because we are very different, and that what we need from you and each other, doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive. We want to live a life together, raise cubs together…”

  I looked to Kai, but he just gave a sharp nod of agreement, so I turned back to Mal.

  “We’ll give you time to get used to the idea. That’s kind of what the trial period is for… get to know us, and we’ll get to know you, then, once we’re ready, we can come to a decision about how we want to move forward. If you decide that the two of us together are too much to handle, we’ll totally understand, and say our goodbyes, no harm, no foul. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I agreed. I had a lot to think about.

  “Great, then, I’ll go ahead and get dinner going so we can get you fed,” Mal said with a smile, as he stood up, then left me and Kai alone to get started.

  I looked nervously at Kai.

  “And, you, uh, are on board with this?” I asked, because, really, he seemed to be less sure than Mal.

  Kai looked out at the water for a few moments, before turning his attention back to me.

  “Mal is my family. We don’t want anything, or anyone, to keep us apart. We grew up together, we hunt together, and we want to have a mate together. But, we are completely different in temperament. It’ll take more than a willing woman to be enough for both of us.”

  “And, you don’t think I’m that woman?” I asked softly, my heart aching a little at his disapproval.

  “I don’t know yet,” Kai replied honestly. “But, I’m willing to find out, if you are.”

  I wanted to ask more questions, I had a ton, but figured Mal would be the best one to get information from, and I didn’t want to ruin this moment with Kai.

  “I am,” I said instead. Knowing intuitively, that with Kai, I needed to be straightforward, but not pushy. That he was a man of few words, who communicated through action. He struck me as contemplative and introverted, and the opposite of Mal, who wore his heart on his sleeve and his intentions on his face.

  “Good,” Kai said simply, then stood. “I’ll be back for dinner.”

  I watched him for a moment, appreciating his grace and lumbering stride, then got up to go help Mal.

  “Hey,” I said as I walked in to see Mal chopping lettuce.

  “All good?” he asked with a smile.

  “Yeah, I think so… it’s a little overwhelming,” I admitted.

  “I understand.”

  “Can I help?” I asked, rounding the counter to stand next to him.

  “Yeah, sure, let me grab another cutting board. The steaks are almost ready to go on, so I was making a salad to go with them.”

  Mal placed a cutting board, knife, and bag of cucumbers on the counter next to his board, then stepped aside so I could pass him to get to them.

  “Thanks,” I said as I passed, then we started working side by side. After a few moments, I took a deep breath and asked, “So, have you guys done this before?”

  “What?” he asked, grabbing tomatoes out of a bowl.

  “You know, a, uh, trial period… with another woman.”

  “Nope, you’re the first,” Mal said, glancing at me before resuming his task. “There were a couple others who contacted us, and a couple I nudged on the app, but none that ever made it this far.”

  “What about, as far as…” Ugh, I was unsure how to word it. “I mean, not from the app, or to even mate… but have you and Kai ever, shared a woman?”

  Mal stopped chopping and turned his body toward me.

  “You mean, sexually?” he asked, his voice deepening on the word sexually, and causing a riot in my stomach.

  “Yes,” I whispered, my cheeks flaming.

  “No, we’ve never had sex with the same woman.”

  Now I put down my knife and faced him.

  “Then how do you know it’ll work?”

  Mal shrugged.

  “The same way I know I’m a bear and a man… that Kai is the most important person in my life, and that you are going to be our perfect mate.”

  I gasped.

  “Really, you think so?”

  “I do.”

  I bit my lower lip and asked the question that had been burning my brain since Mal had revealed I was intended to mate them both.

  “And, are you and Kai together… sexually?”

  I looked up at him from underneath my lashes, holding my breath as I waited for his answer.

  “No, Kai and I don’t have a sexual relationship, it’s purely platonic.”

  “Oh,” I breathed, and I wasn’t quite sure if what I was feeling was relief, or disappointment.

  Seeing those two together would be hot as hell.

  Mal chuckled.